Anime Recommendation And Book's Review

In my blog I share with you my lists of the best anime in different genres and book, you wouldn't want to miss, reviews.

Punctuation for Dummies: A Humorous Guide

Punctuation for Dummies: A Humorous Guide

Master punctuation with humor! Discover a fun and memorable guide to punctuation marks, perfect for new writers and general readers. Learn the art of punctuation through creative and funny descriptions that make understanding easy and enjoyable.

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When Should Readers Google New Words? Balancing Complexity and Clarity in Writing

When Should Readers Google New Words? Balancing Complexity and Clarity in Writing

Explore the balance between enriching prose and maintaining clarity in writing. Learn when readers are willing to Google new terms and when complex words disrupt the narrative. Discover tips for authors and readers to foster mutual respect and enhance the storytelling experience.

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Negative Space in Writing

I’m writing this post because Cassia Hall has encouraged me, so please direct any complaints to her. We had a discussion about the importance of book formatting and punctuation in our tiny writers’ chat this week. The conclusion was: authors should learn about negative space. Using the right punctuation allows writers to create a negative space in writing. The variety of commas, colons, semi-colons and empty dashes makes the text more visually appealing. It also gives a more interest to your story. The different punctuation mark sounds differently. The time that crosses through those pauses is different, and when the author strategically learns to use commas, colons, semi-colons, and em-dashes, they make the story sing. One more point to mention about negative space—it’s breaking the paragraphs, scenes and chapters to adjust to the pace of the story. Books with paragraphs as long as ten rows always terrified me. Even if it’s spice romance, the block of text makes it equivalent to deep philosophical work, requiring too much effort. Conversely, shorter paragraphs increase the pace of the story. I have dev edited one war scene where all my suggestions were to put each sentence on the separate paragraph, to show how quick and chaotic everything was. If you can’t afford an editor, at least consider the proper formatting—Your readers need the space to breathe.

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